At Home Week

At Home Learning


For one week, everyone at my school was fully remote. Here’s my experience.

November 30th through December 4th, I had a fully remote week. Every day I had back to back calls for every class, and to be honest, it was pretty exhausting. For a week like that, you have to be prepared. I didn’t make a calendar, so I was just trying and trying to make time for my work. I think the main problem was, we didn’t do work on the call rather do it after. I do wish we had done work on the call, but it’s too late to change it.  During my work week, I would do work during my breaks, and during lunch.

My advice for at home people? Make a calendar, keep track of time. It is hard to get work done when you have back to back calls. I get it, people might say, “Keep working on it after school”.  If you’re like me, I have sports after school.  Overall, the work load doesn’t affect much. If you have a lot of work, keep track of time. Of course you need to give yourself breaks. Maybe make a calendar. In the end, my fully remote week, was decent I just didn’t keep track of my work as I should have.


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